Feeling so bored now..
So come and blog..

Feeling so down..
L1R5 got 27 leh..

Its like oh my god?!?!?!
I wonder how can i go tourism course in this way..
OMG man..
even L1B4 only got 22 lo..
Take what.. Nursing course ar..

Dunno what to do..
I know i must study!~
But like always no mood leh..

Sian.. Still have to go to school tml..
If Ken Kor today give back Physics MCQ..
I dun think i will be going school tml luh...
Less than 1 month to O levels..
And i am still like..
Dunno why my chiong mood not there liao..

Submit Chalet de application form yesterday le..
Will know the results next wednesday..
Wonder if can make it or not..
If cant.. then sian 1/2 liao..

Okay.. gonna go rest liao..
so giddy today..

I am already happy enough to have u for 434 days...
I dun ask for more..
Somemore.. What can i do?
You was just beside me..
Yet... it feels like we are separated a few worlds apart..


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