Its 11 plus now..
Kinda early..
But feeling so tired already..
Feeling sick..

Okay.. A Maths paper 2 was tough today for me..
So not hoping for good grade ba..
Just keeping my fingers cross!~
Glad that is over already..
Now is really focus directly on 'O' levels le..

2 days ago.. ran back to habbo to see see..
Then found out that i am addicted again..
Oh gosh!~
I know alot pple feel it is a lame game that is clicking here and there..
But once u have the fame and money in a game..
Its really hard to quit..
But... Nvm...
I am trying to control..
2 more months till o levels finish ba...
Waiting for 12 NOV...
After that..
I will be really free..
And i will try to get back something that is important to me that i have lost it 2 months ago..

Nothing to do liao..
I think i am going to bed soon.
And yea.. I am skipping school tml!~
Good nite =D

My life will never be complete without you..
But i would rather stand at the side to see you smiling
than to see you unhappy beside me..
I just hope u will remember me and our happy times together..
But if it is bothering u...
Then please forget me..


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