SIngapore, Fishing Village

1st Fishing expeience today,
yea it is new, something fun, something different. But after that, reflected on my own, its a cruel thing to do. Imagining getting your mouth hooked up by others. 瘸德! Guess I wont be wanting to do this. And whats more we are all living things, what rights do I have to play with other living earthling or even causing a death because of the lack of their natural environment habitat.
Nevertheless, its a good experience and thank the 3 guys who helped me today with this, 2 that i just met. Jonathan, with his cousin Allan and his secondary sch friend yong jin. Nice people.
Just wanted to upload pics on fishing experience, but found more pictures for the past 1 week. So lets look through whats going on this week.

Waiting, patience is virtue

we had some accompany, and maybe some audience

the quiet beach

the calm after the storm

Ready to say some goodbye, some nice view yea.

Found this somewhere near bugis junction.

Had lunch this on thursday, ytd with TWS.
While we buy his f'ighting gear'

Family outing, this is my little cousin 10 year old. thaats why i was on my mario shirt.

Mahjong with these 3 people. Look at how teck hua is eating his double mcgrill. LOL we were all laughing, wishing he had ate it more delicately. And above, no doubt its an adultery.

with Ms Sihui.
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