Dont pray, do something.

Havent been to the pool for almost half a year, lost touch and i really did. Always having the habit to go down to the pool with my trunks and pants. Realised that the pants that i wore out together from my house was the one that i wore it down to the pool, what left was nothing but a wet pants after showering. Well, how stupid was that. Walked home from the swimming complex back to home with a wet pants. Awfully awesome? I almost made a fool of myself, luckily had the pants in black, if it was white with a red underwear inside. 2nd Quarter of the year has started, hope everyone who have listed their new year resolution is 1/4 there. For me, i need to move faster! Being a youngster, still trying to find a status in the society, finding a belonging to this world. Who am I actually? Who can I be? What do i want to do? Where do i see myself? How do i accomplish my dreams? With whom? Anyway to the regards of the recent disasters, Australia flood, New Zealand Earthquake, Japan Tsunami & Earthquake and Myanmar earthquake in just these 3-4 months. Is the mother earth venting its anger? I have borrowed this land earth for more than 19 years, but what have I done in return for the earth or am i just hurting this land even more day by day. Taking it for granted, we are assuming that we have tomorrow and tomorrow. But we are severly damaging this land, what rights do we have to assume that we can borrow this earth once again tomorrow. Influenced by the society pressure, many of us wants to get a cool job, earn good $, be rich and drive a mercedez. Some even backstab own mankind and hurt each other humans to get to that stage. Why are we hurting each other when all of us are all the same on this world breathing the same air, stepping on the same land? These goes out to the same theory to all life in earth, eating and eating meat. We are all living things in this earth, we have a priceless life, what rights do we have to consume other's life? Wake up mankinds. Stop praying and crying when these disasters happens, no use its too late. We created this, its all our doings. I believe in economic theory - demand and supply. If there is a demand then there will be supply. Vice versa, if there is lesser demand, lesser supply. I want to play a part in paying back to the world. Even though its just a year if 2012 sayings are true, I want to play a part to make worth count in this world. From young we are taught what we borrow, we have to return, if not its counted as steal, as a thief. Its time for me to return back to this earth. I officially turn Vegetarian. Dont worry on the economics that if lesser pple eat meat, there will be lesser income for resturants and each of them will close down one by one, which affects the economic of the country. Why not change these meat restaurants into vegetarian restaurants/fast food. Or did you forgot once there was a time that money doesnt even have to bring it out into place, when there is a mutual trust between people. Just because mankinds love reward, money was invented and everyone loves the way it is - drinking, shopping, clubbing. Some even use it for plastic surgery. Wake up, when tsunami/earthquake strikes, its ALL gone including you. And how many people in this earth would remember you, respected you, and I ask myself here - "how much have I returned to the earth or have I been a thief for the past 19 years? " Apart from vegetarian-ing, I am quitting my job and focusing on doing recycling and helping the needys. If there is anyone else interested, sms me.


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