1st week in Korea

Dropped down to Homeplus, Tesco.
Spent about 50 bucks there.
Bought normal necessity and a shirt that cost $20.
I needed a grey shirt, there goes my first grey t-shirt haha.
Korea has been good. I dont know if i have put on some weight. It seems that I have, but I have been exercising and doing pushups and pullups everyday. I dont eat alot, now i am sticking to just one portion compared to many portions i can eat in singapore eg like Ban mian + oyster omelette + soya bean. Its all fats. lol. Now i am eating like one main meal and kimchis.
A friend of mine said kimchi was smelly, i didnt really realise until my friend said it. lol. For some reasons, i have been eating lesser kimchis for the past few days, more of reddish and mineral water.
We dont actually gain much attention in korea, because afterall we are asians, people may even mistake us as koreans. But the differentiation is prolly the dress sense. Koreans have trendy fashion sense, they love wearing a shirt/singlet inside and then another nice shirt outside. They love purple and pink for some reasons.
I am actually sharing the room with 3 nice koreans, i shall intro them to air-lex.blog next time. I have been learning korean lang from them and helping them with some english related stuffs like presentation wise, vocabs and choice of words. Hahaha, and when i talk to them, i had to slang, slanging like an american. Singapore english is too casual for them, they go HUH? But i love spending time with my roommates, i can actually chat with them for 2 hrs. I was wowed myself for that too. They have this korean msn, call nateon and also a korean facebook. So we were exchanging some pretty girls pics from their korean facebook and my facebook. lol.
2 beer session in a week, thats pretty much. Considering i quitted beering for 2 years, but well, in overseas, no need so gei gao. Saying YES for everything :) Anyway, after some shopping, the prices of korea items are similar to singapore, some cheaper, some more expensive. Like faceshop, its really cheap. But i dont use them.
Well, looking forward for the 2nd week!
Spent about 50 bucks there.
Bought normal necessity and a shirt that cost $20.
I needed a grey shirt, there goes my first grey t-shirt haha.
Korea has been good. I dont know if i have put on some weight. It seems that I have, but I have been exercising and doing pushups and pullups everyday. I dont eat alot, now i am sticking to just one portion compared to many portions i can eat in singapore eg like Ban mian + oyster omelette + soya bean. Its all fats. lol. Now i am eating like one main meal and kimchis.
A friend of mine said kimchi was smelly, i didnt really realise until my friend said it. lol. For some reasons, i have been eating lesser kimchis for the past few days, more of reddish and mineral water.
We dont actually gain much attention in korea, because afterall we are asians, people may even mistake us as koreans. But the differentiation is prolly the dress sense. Koreans have trendy fashion sense, they love wearing a shirt/singlet inside and then another nice shirt outside. They love purple and pink for some reasons.
I am actually sharing the room with 3 nice koreans, i shall intro them to air-lex.blog next time. I have been learning korean lang from them and helping them with some english related stuffs like presentation wise, vocabs and choice of words. Hahaha, and when i talk to them, i had to slang, slanging like an american. Singapore english is too casual for them, they go HUH? But i love spending time with my roommates, i can actually chat with them for 2 hrs. I was wowed myself for that too. They have this korean msn, call nateon and also a korean facebook. So we were exchanging some pretty girls pics from their korean facebook and my facebook. lol.
2 beer session in a week, thats pretty much. Considering i quitted beering for 2 years, but well, in overseas, no need so gei gao. Saying YES for everything :) Anyway, after some shopping, the prices of korea items are similar to singapore, some cheaper, some more expensive. Like faceshop, its really cheap. But i dont use them.
Well, looking forward for the 2nd week!
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