Think twice.

As time goes by, things change.

We slowly start to realise and pick up new lessons along the way about our changes. We have ups and downs as it goes, we start to identify some things and matters, these things slowly mature us as a person. We are no longer the kid in the backyard kicking ball and catching spiders anymore, not the cute little one that people will look at and say how cute anymore. We start to step into the reality where we have many things out there waiting for us to do, we meet many friends along the way too. We start to realise that we are no longer able to please everybody around us, then we decide who are the people we should please and keep beside us based on our goals and dreams.

I have been wanting to please everyone around me since i was a kid. Till today, then i realise i couldn't do that anymore. I don't know why do i really want to please everyone, maybe its because i dont want to be detested by the others.

There are many things we cant control, especially people. I can please them for a moment, but who knows the next moment, they can turn against me. And i mean their mouth specifically, there are many times when we come into arguements with people and there is a point where they start saying, "its my mouth leh, whatever i want to say is my business." But do these people know what consequences are there? Just because of a merely gossiping conversation to come out with when you just want to kill the silence between with not such a close friend. I know there are many such people in the society out there, what we have in schools is just a merely test-tasting. I don't know why there are such people in the world for god sake, isn't the world supposed to be a peaceful and harmony one where everybody enjoys life and be happy? For me, i am drawing a line with such people. As a friend? Not for long-lasting friendship definitely. I wouldn't care much of these people ignorant gossips and comments because there is no reason for me to be.

On a brighter note, there are people who we really do trust, who we feel really comfortable about sharing our goals and dreams, even to personal matters too. These type of feeling makes one feel good when we do share them out to those who we really trust alot, these are the people that i call true friends.

人心险恶, 表面上和你有说有笑的,


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