Tired but peaceful and happy life

Life should be this peaceful yet interesting.
I am sick of being a typical product of this world.
I hated how society pressure,
made me once assertive and aggressive.
Week 6 of school has ended,
I am progressing pretty fine.
Handling the workload and stress well :)
To make things more complicated, (the usual me)
I have added a dog to the addition.
She was really obedient last night,
no barking from 11pm till 5.30am.
Until my mum walked into the kitchen at 5.30am,
she started barking.
I was awakened also, hurried to check.
My parents kept telling me she is hungry
but i thot she wanted to shit.
Still went on to prepare some food for her still.
Midway preparing, she really pooped!
Went back to sleep till 7.30,
She started her bark again, must be sth wrong.
She pee-ed but not in pee tray.
Her legs got stained by it too.
I let her out to play soon,
she pooped again lol,
but went back to eat her shit.
After that went on to lick my dad LOL.
She really brought some joy,
but think there goes my sleep for the next few weeks!
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