Is it too late?

Many asked me, "Alex, what are you going to do after army?"
Or.. "where are u going to study after army?"
So i asked myself...Is studies that important?
Does a certificate determines how smart or knowledgeable one is?
If so, this society ain't a perfect one.

Doesn't seem to favour the education system of this world, nor the education I have been receiving all these while. Do we know what we are studying for? or is it because of the pressure of this world. Is studying what we want or part and parcel that one should go through. I am not retaliating anything here, just felt the education foundation laid since young was already wrong.

Why does one has to be up high in the hierachy of an organization then would be respected and praised smart. How smart? Some people used all means to climb up to the top, but when they are really up there then they realised they lost > gain. Is that really smart?

Why one can't be an intelligent farmer as well? Since young, teachers taught us to study hard so that we can land a good job and contribute to the society in the future, even our family and older relatives says that. Imagining a kid in school, in the topic of "what you want to be in the future", mention that he wants to be a farmer. How would the other kids or even the teacher laugh at him? Hence, our mentality has slowly changed to accept the reality and become part of the reality, which is what they call educate...


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