
We met, we greet and thats all.
Strong yet painful.
Just a thought...
Live your life everyday as if its your last day, then you will find out that you are living your life to the fullest.
Saw this phrase at my supervisor's office. And it just struck me and i was stun for 2s. First thought that came into my mind.. " Am i living my life to the fullest?"... " How much time have i spent on meaningless things?".... "What would i do if its really my last day?" There are many things that i want to do that i have not do before, where should i start from? We do not have tomorrow, what we know we have is... today. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, we cant control it. But we can control today. I have been spending quite an amount of time over the last week, cos of this game - perfect world. Which explains why i did not blog. So.. let me refresh myself once again and start spending my time wisely on meaningful things.
Now, attachment is getting real busy. Running here and there, getting pple to do surveys, admin work. I really wish to have clearer instructions given so that i can do things faster.
Last week, we had BSC games day, our group came in 4th. Not bad ar ^^, with a total participation of 5 teams. lol. Although we did not complete the game(amazing race) in 1st place, but what i treasure was the team spirit and fun that we had.
2 days ago, monday, we went out for another outdoor activity - Ultimate Frishbee which is organised by the EMRS stopover. We learned new things, we had fun, I had fun and we came in 2nd (:, just lacking a little chemistry between our team to win it.
Tomorrow, we will be having another game once again held by EMRS - Battle of the Wits with games like spelling bee, pictionary and etc.. Looking forward to it (:
Oh ya! P.S: SLAY! I want to watch 20th century boys 2!
Live your life everyday as if its your last day, then you will find out that you are living your life to the fullest.
Saw this phrase at my supervisor's office. And it just struck me and i was stun for 2s. First thought that came into my mind.. " Am i living my life to the fullest?"... " How much time have i spent on meaningless things?".... "What would i do if its really my last day?" There are many things that i want to do that i have not do before, where should i start from? We do not have tomorrow, what we know we have is... today. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, we cant control it. But we can control today. I have been spending quite an amount of time over the last week, cos of this game - perfect world. Which explains why i did not blog. So.. let me refresh myself once again and start spending my time wisely on meaningful things.
Now, attachment is getting real busy. Running here and there, getting pple to do surveys, admin work. I really wish to have clearer instructions given so that i can do things faster.
Last week, we had BSC games day, our group came in 4th. Not bad ar ^^, with a total participation of 5 teams. lol. Although we did not complete the game(amazing race) in 1st place, but what i treasure was the team spirit and fun that we had.
2 days ago, monday, we went out for another outdoor activity - Ultimate Frishbee which is organised by the EMRS stopover. We learned new things, we had fun, I had fun and we came in 2nd (:, just lacking a little chemistry between our team to win it.
Tomorrow, we will be having another game once again held by EMRS - Battle of the Wits with games like spelling bee, pictionary and etc.. Looking forward to it (:
Oh ya! P.S: SLAY! I want to watch 20th century boys 2!

BSC Games Day - Amazing Race(Fear Factor)
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