
Victoria Falls
There are so many things out there undiscovered.
Bad day, although we 4 guys in the class had a good dinner and movie - prince of persia. Somethings when it bothers you, it could just bother you on and on. What bothering me was the test i had today on human behaviour. This is the first time in poly i sat a test left stunning in the hall with paper, realising that other than the mcqs, I dont know how to do any other single questions. Whats more, i panicked! and the mind just went blank. Now, I am just too scared to flip open the book and look for the answers.
Then i start to reflect is it that I wasnt serious enough? or was the commitments that i have right now that is hindering me? internal or external factors, thats the question.
Anyway, I am proud to say that our class guys finally had an outing for once, we have only 4 guys in the class. And this is the first ever since 2009 when we got into this new class.
Argh, So demoralised right now, and i have another test tomorrow. God bless me, Jia you Alex!
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