600th Entry.

岁月不饶人。。。 While listening to 那些年 the popular song that brings back memories of our younger days. 曾经想征服全世界。 My memories has been summarised through a song, through this sentence. Once, thought that I am created to make wonders and etc.. when that was merely 16 year old. Played a game called Habbo before, a game that is rather similar to the world, just a virtual world. Where u have companies, chill rooms, shops, pubs and your own house. I created some new games and new companies during my 2 years in that game. I met people with all walks of life in there, I also landed my adam khoo coach position through a friend recommendation from there. My english got better through being a radio DJ for one of the fansite. I met a business partner in there too. A lame game doesn't sound that lame too haha. I guess no matter where are you, as long as you can make the best out of something, you will find the joy in it and take a few things with me after that. I will be using this mentality to spend ...