Dream, Episode 2

Lately, having mutiple dreams that I am in army camp.
In my waking life, already in army camp.
Not letting me off even in my sleep,

Briefly, last night dreamt that I sneaked out of army camp during lunch hours in my soldier uniform to look up my girl as a form of surprise. She was busy so we only talked for a short while and I went to eat lunch with 2 other friends and went back to camp. Couldnt remember the details clearly but it was much more than this.

Concentration Camp
To see or live in a concentration camp in your dream, indicates that you are afraid of differences. You are having difficulties accepting others and their differences. Learn to appreciate diversity and the uniqueness in yourself and in others around you.
If you actually lived in a concentration camp, the dream may signify a situation in your waking life which is triggering similar feelings felt at the time.

True enough, indeed I had the thought to give a surprise to my sweetheart by taking MC and appear at her office. But well, I am already booking out tonight. I am coming home tonight sweetheart :)

Hope your flu bug fly away soon :)


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