
Showing posts from August, 2011

Reality Check

I realised I have been leaving my weekends and evenings free for a reason for the past 3 months, which actually resulted me idling most of my time and lost track of my goals. Then you realised who are the ones that actually sincerely cares for you. Life is short, appreciate the finer things, and cherish those who loves you. Next few days will be hectic.. I supposed. I am cooling myself down tomorrow while preparing a test on wednesday. Then will head to redang from 3 to 6 sept and getting ready for army on the 8th. Tuesday - Prepare for COMPASS test Wednesday - COMPASS test (1st test for pilot selection) @8am. Thursday - Accompany friend for the search for laptop, then pack bag for redang and army. Friday - Squash Camp Saturday to Tuesday - Redang Trip Wednesday - Cut Botak and spend some quality time with family Thursday - 8th September Enlistment After some soul-searching, i realised I have been idling my time for the past 3 months and I realised the reason. So I...

Is it too late?

Many asked me, "Alex, what are you going to do after army?" Or.. "where are u going to study after army?" So i asked myself...Is studies that important? Does a certificate determines how smart or knowledgeable one is? If so, this society ain't a perfect one. Doesn't seem to favour the education system of this world, nor the education I have been receiving all these while. Do we know what we are studying for? or is it because of the pressure of this world. Is studying what we want or part and parcel that one should go through. I am not retaliating anything here, just felt the education foundation laid since young was already wrong. Why does one has to be up high in the hierachy of an organization then would be respected and praised smart. How smart? Some people used all means to climb up to the top, but when they are really up there then they realised they lost > gain. Is that really smart? Why one can't be an intelligent farmer as well? S...


Being a yes person too much, i realised i have hurt people around me. From this, i learnt a lesson but unfortunately the class was dismissed. I feel it now, dejected and unforgiven. Thank you I learnt alot from you.


Cause I did some good and I did some bad, I know what we had was true.

Held back

"2 years, i can't be selfish." Things are falling nicely into pieces, but there are somethings that I cant do. Especially after building a good relationship with someone, and have to surrender because i cant commit. 2 years, i can't be selfish. Hate it when you want to bring something to a newer level but have to control what is happening naturally. Geesh. I dont like to throw things that I like aside, but this time, looks like I have to activate the 'stop' button.


每天上班提老板赚钱, 你是否也该为自己的梦想加班?

Comrades Forever

These memories are too much for me to hold, it was a hard decision. Sorry, but i promise I will be there again. Ever since december 22 last year when i landed my feet in singapore from korea. I told myself i will be back in 2011. March 2011 I nearly made a move because my family wanted to go but mum chose taiwan in the end. July and August was an agony. Was pondering and planning hard. After much considerations and discussions with family, friends as well as topher and daniel, came into a conclusion that I will be keeping the money instead. Many thoughts, I wanted to go real bad because the life and moments i had there was unforgettable. Topher was like a little daddy there for me, and daniel was a elder brother where both assured me that I will not be lonely there. Reason for not going, my mum and sister was opposive, against the idea of me going there again. My mum especially but after some persuasion, she allowed. I even found a great deal of $683 included with tax to ...

Today is 七夕情人节!

七夕节的来历: 每年的农历七月七日是中国的情人节。比起外国的情人节更是专指向「爱情」。因为外国的情人节,原旨是人与人之间的互爱,或亲情、或友情、或爱情,并非只限于男女之情。但是中国的七夕情人节,则是描述一对情侣的故事。 传说,天上玉皇大帝有七个女儿,其中最小的女儿织女,最聪明可爱、手艺又巧。天上皇宫中的重要织锦都由她负责设计与制作。另外,玉皇大帝有一群牛,由一个叫做牛郎的年轻人负责管理。两人情投意合、互相爱慕,至荒废了原本工作。于是玉皇大帝下旨,叫喜鹊告诉这两个热恋的情侣要节制,七日见一次面即可。没想到喜鹊传错话,他们以为每天均可相见,更是高兴无比,工作完全抛在脑后。 玉皇大帝这回就龙颜大怒,降旨他们每年只能见一次面,就是农历七月七日的晚上。那一天喜鹊这群肇事者就负责搭桥,让他们两人踩在他们的肩膀上相会。因为一年仅能见一次面,当然有说不完的衷曲、道不尽的悲情,于是那天几乎都会下着毛毛雨,象征两人的泪水。 从这个故事,可以看见传统中国人对于「负责的工作态度」十分看重。不过因为爱情的浪漫却使得这个七夕情人节传说走样,大家通常将焦点集中在「情侣被迫分隔两地」。强调情人好不容易见面,那种凄美绝伦的场景。于是很多因为工作、因为当兵、因为父母反对、因为求学、、各种原因分隔两地的情侣,都会希望在农历七月七日见到面。然后两人就心理投射自比为牛郎、织女,一起浸淫在这种浪漫感人「被迫害妄想」的情怀! 如果你有情人,那就好好享受这种热恋的感觉。如果你没有情人,那你就思想七夕情人节的传统教训是表达「负责任的工作态度」重要性,好好去努力工作一番吧. 七夕情人节,在这里见证你的爱情...... 希望你能得到你的爱情

Search Network, Not good at saying goodbye

Thank you really much for all these lovely gifts from my colleagues and i even have some left over presents since june ahaha while one of ex colleague left before me. Really liked the MAN UTD cap alot, with the card and Rose. I was paiseh cos i didnt prepare anything for my colleagues. But they have been a great pillar of strength with and for me. They taught me and it has been a great journey where i had many fond memories. I learned negotiation skills and how to beautify words. Its all about how you make your words sound more appealing, choice of words really makes a different. Once again, thank you.

Pick A Part That's New

Its disheartening when you learnt how to accept but yet the result turned out wasn't what you expected. Awkward and disheartened. You were actually the main reason why I didn't want to go to korea. But things seems to change, and its that fast and i did realised. Maybe sensitive and negative. I am not sure when is the next time I will learn to accept, but for now I will have to learn how to let go.


我们自己都有梦想. 但可惜不一样. 有梦想是好事, 我们在同一片天空下一起加油!