A story in korea.
Once upon a time, A teenager, 18 year old boy made a dream, a really long dream. He entered the dreamland in the early september of 2010. His mission was to experience a student life without friends by his side supporting him because he thought he will be left alone without all his friends who has been supporting him for the 3 years in poly. Instead, he met 2 comrades in the first month, these 2 have been a pillar of strength for him. Phrasing it again, these 2 are the best mates he ever had in his life. One is an american, another an african. and of cos with the boy, an asian. The widest spread of combination one ever can have. Among anywhere else in the world, these 3 indifferent people with different ethnicity, culture, values and belief met in a country call korea.

They hang out together at miller time, a bar that they would visit there at least once each week. They too hangout at another bar call garten bier without fail, almost every friday with other friends from singapore and taiwan. Although its expensive, but it doesnt seems to be for some reasons. Maybe because the american, topher who is a professor has been paying them all the while until he finally made it clear that he needs to reserve some money for his datings, finally.
How did the little boy met topher? Many call it bullshit, but let me call it fate for once. It started when the boy was on his way to the international staff office in school, accompanying keely who has been trying different ways to get her laptop fix. Finally, her boyfriend decided to send her one from singapore. Some delivery problems caused keely knocked on the door of international office every now and then, almost every few hours daily. For this once, we walked to the office, for the same routine to enquire the status of the delivery. However, they thought it has been really un-nice of her to knock there often, hence they turned back and took a detour and decided to walk back to dormitory. After a few miles, realising that they are closer to the office than dormitory. Hence decided to walk towards the office. This cycle happen for 3 times on the spot, until they realised they are just at the door step outside the office. Walked into it, "HELLO!" by the little boy to all the staffs in the office. Walked over to one of the staff, asking the same question, "Hi, has the laptop arrived yet?" but to no avail. Then came a guy who was doing some printing at the machine, turned over to us and said, "HI!, are u guys from singapore?" That was how they met. The first dinner on that day with him and other girls from singapore. It was also the standard introduction he would make, "My name is topher, here here look at this! *Point below and lifting his shoe up* Toe--- and... *Fold up his sleeves and point at his hairy arm* ---fur, "toe-fur". " I will never forget this.
Topher, a guy who would do funny actions and yells at people unknowingly. Lets talk about his appearance. A huge belly guy with blonde hair. Nah its alright, back to his character. Someone who yells at the video game in the middle of the night even at 2am, so much until his neighbour who stays from 3 rooms horizontally apart could hear. His room is unbelievably.. ugly. The little boy have been asking to go over to join him in some halo on xbox360. He has been warned that his room would be in a mess. Truly a big mess, a room full of beer bottles, cans, and some green tea bottles, with the bottle caps scattered all around too. So much that one can even swim inside the room through the beer bottles. Once they cleared his room, half done and it made 16 black garbage bags full. Gave up after the 16 bags, oh mine. That was the reason why topher treated the little boy to Jin & Kino for some omelette rice before doing the cleaning. The boy was smiling, because it was a treat but never did when the room of topher door opened.
Daniel on the other hand, is a cool african who keeps calm, he laughs really loud with his mouth wide open, but he has got a good laughter that the little boy is jealous of. He would always call the boy out for lunch & dinner almost everyday, "Hey, how are you?", "I am in the dorm", normally the boy would answer. They shares the same sorrow and complaints towards some culture shock and ugly behaviours of some dorm mates, all were koreans except both of them, so ya know. Lunching place these 2 would always go, the backyard auntie shop with a outdated TV and others nearer to the campus, Jin & Kino, Ting, Gimbap, Hansol, Matzzhang. For dinner these 3 would always go out together to Boor chicken, Dasarang for pizza and beer. Miller time. These 3 places are the top visits, no wonder the little boy gained some weight. Also, some japanese food, some chinese food @ chao chao. And of cos after that, the favourite ice cream shop, Baskin Robins. Many times, after meal, they would go out and catch some toys at the toy-claw machine. Sometimes it looked like they are donating money, but mostly the machines are the ones donating dolls, catching more than 30 toys.
How this boy met the african dude, this would have to rewind back to the very 1st day when the little boy started his day out in korea. Trudged wearily with 2 luggages to the new exciting 'home' that the boy will be staying in for 4 months. Opened the door, found shoes lying around on the floor where there were not much space to open the door fully, furthermore on squeezing shoes around it. Went in, found out a big tall muscular guy sleeping at 12.30pm. Waked him up and the little boy introduced himself quickly while the guy went back to sleep back immediately afterwards. He had mini eyes, but really good shape that says, 'dont mess with me'. After a few hours, talked abit and asked if want to meet a black guy from africa and he describes, "hey, you wanna meet this black guy from africa? really black."The impression of black guys were that , they are really fierce. And that was the first impression daniel gave. He was topless, wearing a pair of jeans as always. Havent see him in any shorts before. These 2 were like buddies to the little boy. He felt home there, he felt he had a family.
The boy went on to make some acquaintances mainly from china and taiwan. He met two chinese girls in a church where he was forced to go as part of a compulsory session even though the church session is in korean. After which, they exchanged contact number and went on to go to zoo, themepark, safari and flowerland together. The boy even went to mountain climbing and even Jeju island with one of them. It was a good and sorry experience for him in Jeju island because of JimJilBang. He had some really good time there where he climbed the highest mountain in korea with 10kg of bag and 3 teddy bears hand carried throughout the 10 hours journey in a 1950m mountain. I guess he was the first to do that with 3 bears.
After which, topher introduced 2 taiwanese girls to the little boy, trying to upsell the boy to the girls, saying he is single here and there and everywhere. It didnt work out the way topher wanted but it did worked out on a friendship way where these 2 cheerful and cool girls were like the most steady people that the boy can rely and talk to.
Every story comes with a little bit of spice and herbs. This boy had on the last month of his stay. He met a lovely lady from ukraine. They have been classmates all along since the start of the semester, but nothing special until the last month. They actually started talking on the korean lunar day, chuseok when there was a rice cake making session. It was her 20th birthday too. They actually spent sometime together unknowingly. They went to seoraksan, and dined together, chatted during games unknowingly. There was 0% deliberation. It all started when the little boy was planning a trip to seoul and lovely lady wanted to join too. It didnt happened for the first time, but yet they went to seoul in the end too, with just 2 of them. A young man and a lovely lady was seen walking down the busy road of seoul, with shophouses around, as glitters of snows started falling down as the lady go closer to the young man while hugging his right hand, hand in hand. All these things was what the boy have been dreaming of all the while, to experience winter sonata with someone special. They went out together for sometime, catching 4D movie, Harry Potter and The Tourist and spent sometime watching movies on the net too. However, all these has to come to an end one day. When they bid farewell on the last night, one said, "there is no promise". That dies the flame. The boy is in a dilemma.

Anyway, he still have his comrades. Comrades will be comrades forever. 35 year old - 24 year old - 19 year old. Topher - Daniel - Alex
Despite, having a different opinion on korean guys, the little boy made a good pact with a korean guy named Young Kim. His character stood out, he was those that would put in effort for friends and people whom he care for and dont ask for returns. The boy was with him most of the times sitting side by side in the class. They scold each other bitch and even sat along the road and rate girls from a distance. A hobby that Young Kim normally do. When the boy are lost with the korean culture and words sometimes, the first person he would contact is Young Kim. They head out to the table tennis court often, almost everyday. A good friend indeed. If there is a ranking, other than the 2 comrades and the ukranian. Young stands 4th.

There are many things that in life we cant buy with money. Such experience was a great opportunity. An american, african, ukranian and korean. Being friends with them was something that no one can ever could have guess. I was glad that I was in korea, in daejeon, in hannam. I didnt learn much, but i experienced much.
Made the friends of my life.
Toured at Seoul on my own.
Toured at Jeju with 2 new friends.
Taking care of my expenses and welfare.
Decide on my own what i want to do.
6pm dinner everyday.
Climbed the highest mountains in korea.
Visited sex museum park.
Had my first snow experience when i was 19.
Everything is in the heart, too much to learn.
Thank you, topher. Will always miss you telling us how great the new games are, the TV dramas and of cos the dinners with topherisms :) I learnt a word from you, 'embrace'.
Thank you, olga. You made me felt special, always remember that my hair is shiny :)
Thank you, summer and mimi. I found 2 great friends from taiwan as well as one as a tzu chi mate. Thank you for being so lively always, it helps brightens my day.
Thank you, Young Kim. You were a great pal and a good classmate to sit with. Miss us playing table tennis, will never forget that you like to rate girls along at the small road opposite business building.
Thank you, tingting, tao zhen and yingyan. I was happy to make good acquaintances with you all, i had my best time in jeju :)
Thank you, Lee chan, Jeon Wu Heong, Park Chong Ming. Best room, great roommates. I was lucky to be allocated to a room with you all. I felt I was welcomed with you all everyday when i reached back to the dorm.
It was an unforgetful korea story...
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