2 main goals in 2011

I would like to start to move forward.
Going against the odds once again,
when almost everyone has given up.
I am bringing out the guts to set this.
I would be busy this year according to the following.
Dreams, goals and targets to hit this year.
According to my 3 principles this year,
Goal - Meaningful - Integrity
I got a dream that I would like to accomplish before i perish in this world. What i want the most in life is not my life or money. I want to top all the mountains in the world. I will work towards it from the age when i was 19.
(1st Priority)
1) Slim down and shape up – Healthy!
2) Launch of online business
(2nd Priority)
1) Braces
2) Driving Licence
(3rd Priority)
1) Scuba Diving Licence
2) Marathon Run
(4th Priority)
1) Visit korea at least once this year
2) Squash
Apart from working and applying to univerisities, this is the busy 2011 i am looking foward to and actually accomplishing it. I am doing it one by one. In order to motivate others, i have to be motivated first. My starting is to gain motivation first.
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