2 days to London - Cambridge

2 more days to my summer journey in UK.
The news came in March from SMU that I am chosen to go to Cambridge University for a term summer exchange in the month of July. I was on clouds nine upon receiving the email. It felt surreal and exciting. This would be my first time in England. The thought of studying in one of the best universities in the world, visiting Manchester and reliving those exchange moments once again.

As I collect my heart and emotions for this trip, I just feel that I couldnt set it on the right note. Not sure if the trip is too short, uncertainty over the trip, financial concerns, relationships, dog or simply aging reasons - I was not as excited as I was when I travelled to Korea for a 4 months exchange 6 years ago.

Nonetheless, I am looking forward to the 50 day UK trip. First 20 days with my long old buddy touring England and Scotland. Thereafter, 30 days on my own at Cambridge.

Never expected myself to go on exchange again during SMU times because of not wanting to leave my girlfriend alone for several months. But this trip would be too good to give up and it is only two months-long. It is still a magical feeling of what my future holds. Since young, Cambridge University is a place that is "out of reach" due to my poor command of english, wasnt the top few students in class, financially a huge burden. But I am deeply grateful to SMU for shaping me to become a better person, a better conversation holder and of course the knowledge gained along the course. On top of that, without the financial support from SMU and my parents, this trip would not come true. Seriously, I never imagined myself going to Cambridge one day - even for an exchange programme.

I shall live the 50 days in UK to the fullest and widen my horizons during my stay at Cambridge!


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