SMU Presentation Days

3 presentations done in 2 days.
I should feel relieved but not certainly.
Thinking I didn't do my best.
A sense of guilt is being developed.
There seems to be something lacking in my presentation that I used to had them when I was in poly. Have I lost the drive? Or am I demanding myself more?
Previously in poly, I can confidently tell myself that I am getting the "A" but not in all 3 presentations. I felt I delivered perfectly for the first one, the 2nd & 3rd seem to have divided my enthusiasm and attention, rating myself just a B grade for these 2 presentations. I feel unjustified, lack of control with such uncertainty.

However I have enjoyed my times in these 3 groups, we had some disagreements at times but they were resolved quickly. The crux is do not take such arguments personally, it creates disharmony that is non-beneficial for both party.

For now, I would like to take a little rest of 2 hours.
I have been tirelessly working on projects over the past week including weekend, now some personal time for me to enjoy without a rock on the shoulder.

Last presentation of the sem on this thursday!
Gambateh Neh!


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