May this month be a good one too!

April was really a thrilled month and some events are still overlapping to may and even june. Based on my past years record, May has always been a busy and fun month for me. Looking forward to whats lined up for me :D

First, I am being accepted into SMU Social Science! I had to go through an interview and I did what I could, walked away with a worried mind ,wasnt sure if the interviewers liked my views on the topic that was discussed during the interview. But this confirmation explains it!

Secondly, Another good news! One of the best!
Congratulations to Sheryl! She is going to taiwan!
第三届华人星光大道!Yes! She has made it!
Fought bravely through 2 auditions. First was among 2000+ people and next was selected the top 134 and out of these elites, able to make it to top 18. When her name was announced at the result segment, we shouted. We knew its the changing point of her life from this moment onwards. For me, I am proud to be part of this journey with her! Going to Taiwan in June

Feels good with my redang trip next thurs to sun and going to taiwan in early june makes me excited!

Apart from that, there is a disappointing moment for me where I am still unable to overcome the familiar fear, composure in my table tennis competition. I lost on my composure and skills. Nothing much to talk about. I know I can beat him but my composure level is really little, all those trainings just became useless with that.


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