
Showing posts from July, 2012


Some people take forever to find people on the same page as them who understands each other in a split second, sometimes telepathy even happens when both are thinking the same topic in their mind before uttering it out. What I am trying to say is I have found that person :) No matter joyful, crisis, panicky or fuming moments, I am so glad you are the one beside me understanding my reason behind every emotions. If there is a special gift given by god to everyone like how Yiruma can play such indulging music, then you are my gift from god. I love you and these 2 weeks will pass like a breeze. Before you know it, I will be seeing you with a more manly image :)


" 男人要永远珍惜在你20多岁时,曾经陪伴在你身边的女人,因为2 ­0多岁的男人没钱没事业,而20岁的女人最灿烂,20岁是一个男 ­人最暗淡的时光,要什么没什么,所以请你们一定要珍惜在这个时候 ­爱上你的女孩。因为她是用一生中最美好的时光来陪你度过最暗淡的 ­时光. " 谢谢你 Mame Choo :) 

What my future awaits me

Thank you "Mame Choo" for surprising this cute navy blue kipling monkey and appearing at cck to wait for my tuition to end. I have been admiring this keychain since young and played with it whenever I sees it. I rmb my  pri sch teacher having one :x Giving a serious thought on my future. Looking at myself and questioned where do I see myself at after NS, after a degree. My recent application for 3 Local Unis wasn't  positive. Even if its positive. I ask myself so I will be one of those fresh grad out there looking for an office job of about 2.5k-3k. What would I be doing? Self questioned again - What do I like to do? I like kids, I love teaching, I love talking, I enjoy sharing knowledge with people. So automatically... this popped up: TEACHER? Think of it, why not? But i bet all my friends are doubting me if they see this now. T.T Could be an option, as long as I don't sign on :D


I am LOL-ing at myself being awake at this hour. Ironically, feeling energetic like as if I can do a 2.4km. Looks like I am not allowed to sleep today. Shall have a deep sleep the next day. I dont know what they call this.. insomnia? Feel like giving myself a knockout punch just to go to sleep.

What is your definition of happiness?

Kindness which is supposed to be a true humanitarian characteristic is less seen nowadays. Yet an indian construction worker displayed it. While we were blaming on foreign workers, this kind soul here just gained my respect. Just read an article and it changed my perspective of seeing an intangible heartfelt thing call, happiness. What is happiness? Is it getting thousands-dollar payroll job and fighting in the workforce with our competitive nature for promotion to earn as much money as we can? Can money really measure happiness? It seems to be what is happening in this world now. 做人随和,才会开心。This was what I heard before from a 50+ year old boss of mine. Sometimes we fight for our greedy ambition but forgot the true definition of happiness. Here is the article link:

就这样,Another Departure...

 Its not easy to say goodbye when you been through some fun together with someone. For the past 48 hours, a korean friend, Young Kim was with me in Singapore. We did some stupid stuffs and some awesome stuffs, these shall remain memories in my mind. On another point, for the past 48 hours - I had my driving test and was put through to an emotional test with angriness, sadness, and happiness. It wasn't easy...