
Showing posts from September, 2011

You finally find you and I collide :)

From day 1, I knew you was the one. And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you Laying low on the wooden chair at midnight With stars aligned, as if they are stringed together. Enjoying the cool breeze , and the calm sound of the wave . As we count the stars, something came swifting pass across our eyes. Doubted but shouted, "METEOR!" We looked at each other with a loud silence Laying low again after the excitement, another meteor flew pass once again. How many times does one get to see a meteor? 2 meteors came flying within a night, and only in our eyes, as if telling us a message. At then, I knew I can't be wrong, you are the one. Missing the last evening at redang with you on the hammock. I am so glad, I found you :) Redang was an awesome place where I had many fond memories in this 4D3N trip. When we first checked in, the receptionist asked if we were siblings. And the next moment what we know is we found a "daddy", this diving inst...
‎ 1 Universe, 9 Planets, 204 Countries ,809 Islands, 7 Seas, and I had the privilege to meet you.
I may start afresh one day, deactivating my facebook account, blog, emails, msn, skype and even my mobile number. I really need a new start. A whole new beginning where I can start all over again. Always wanted to have a world without mobile phone, 有缘再相见.


Hate emo nights, cos it sucks to know it has ended and there is no duplicate of you. Fuck the night and FML. Be strong... shouldn't be emotional anymore. Wake up wake up.

Once in a while

Couldn't resist flipping back the old dusty letters Our times & memories was the best gift from god. Thank you, i am happy to see you moved on. Just hope you are truly happy. I should too. Time together is never quite enough. Cherish your loved ones.


An old lao bo bo, told me this.. "人哪, 对于不知道的事情...总是抱着好奇又期待的心情. 慢慢地等上手了...就感觉自己能掌握住什么...人的野心跟傲慢是无边无际的. 你太年轻了,等你上我这个年纪呀, 你就知道了..... 人哪...不能 太清醒.... 你太清醒啊就是...太清楚...你太清楚就是...痛苦" 老伯虽然看起来像个流浪汉, 但讲的话也还是满有哲理的. ..