
Showing posts from February, 2012

24 hours

Steve jobs has 24 hours, Bill Gates has 24 hours, They all have 24 hours. But why, the outcome is different? Doesn't all of us have the ambition to change the world too? Gonna do something about it. Its the same dam 24 hours but yet different people accomplish different thing.

Val Day' 2012.

If I knew how to write a song I’d write one everyday It would say that I’m in love with you And why I feel this way It would have to say you’re pretty And as rare as a desert rose It would say you’re a looker From your head down to your toes You’re my comfort when I’m lonely You’re my peace when I need rest Of all the women I’ve known I must rate you the best. You’re the orchard in the jungle, you’re the better half of me You’re all of this and so much more, you mean the world to me Still so much is left unsaid, It would take me far too long I know how much I love you, If only I could write a song. You are someone whom I know I could wake up peacefully every morning and knowing that you both of our hearts' fire is still igniting. Everytime I sees you, you look really fresh as if I have missed you for months. Happy Valentines Day Sheryl Choo :) Hope you really liked the arrangement I have prepared for you, Ksuite on saturday and flowers delivered to your office. I know you said any...